Clubschau 2021


Sawdust’s In All It’s GloryV1 – Anw. Dt. Veteranen Ch. VDH
Horseman’s Buddies Buffalo SoldierV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Vetereanen CH VDH
Malcolm ACDRutkowskyVV3
King Robin DidgeridingoVV2
Akeno von der Roten ZoraVV
Ares von der Roten ZoraVV4
Sawdust’s Wizard ‚N WolverineVV1
Be like meV4
Jazzabout Heelers AbeSG
Dartbrook’s Draconis Dothrakin.A.
Pink Angels With Shotguns Dark Knight called red JamieV3
Rikoran Wikin Nord StarSG
Bavarian Heelers Joy To The WorldV1 – Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH
Dartbrook’s Deal-BreakerV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH
Wild Desert Dingo’s A New ChapterSG
Dwayne the blue Rock from Stick ValleySG3
Forelands Excellent ElvisSG2
Alpha Dragon Hus FellowsV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Barker Blue CidabroV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Dolce-Blú Fifty Shades of GreyV3
Buschteufels A Big Boy Like BudV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Offene Klasse
Gelen ProvidetsSG
Fox Mulder von der Drachenwiesen.A.
Sawdust’s Rythm N BluesSG
Bee Lowlands ErosV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Malik of little willy willysSG
Horseman’s Buddies Cotton Eye JoeV
Woylie’s QuigleyV4
Horseman’s Buddies I Shot The SheriffSG
Woylie’s OkieV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Forelands Captain Hookn.A.
Flying Desert Dingo’s AceV3
Clever Keep Longclaw for Pink Angels with ShotgunsSG


Peschencattles AnjaliV4
Working Mates Burn Every TurnV
Danbar’s River of DreamsV2, res. Anw. Dt. Vet. Ch VDH
Highland Mill’s Chioma of ConcordiaV3
Drywood’s Liberty of Horseman BuddiesV1 – Anw. Dt. Vet. Ch. VDH
Twelve Heartbreaks Cinderella’s RanchVV1
Pink Angels With Shotguns Even Cowgirls love CastellinoVV2
Sawdust’s Whisper of WhirlwindVV1
The Dream of Wanambi’s Enjoy the Silencen.A.
Forelands Faithful FenvesVV3
Forelands Fearless FinjaVV2
Jazzabout Heelers AmberG
Blue Mountain Heeler Blue BegaSG
Smart Heelers Carpe DiemV
Dartbrook Drawn in PixelsV3
Vallesanta Ranch ACD CarnilSG
Dartook’s Excellent ChoiceV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch VDH
Djuni Blue from Stik ValleyV4
Rikoran Wirona Nordic LadyV1 – Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH
Wave Rock Heelers Combart Ready Lady SifSG2
Wallaroo Get the Party StartedV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Horseman’s Buddies Fat Bottomed GirlV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Offene Klasse
Pink Angels With Shotguns Barbie Girl Goes to DollywoodSG4
Sawdust’s U Made My DayV1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Ashton Funny bouncing LoverG
Peschencattles IlvySG
Woylie’s RaniSG
Dartbrook’s Cherry on the CakeV3
Carrie Blue from Stick ValleyV2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Horseman’s Buddies Grandma S HarpDisq.