Veteranenklasse | |
Sawdust’s In All It’s Glory | V1 – Anw. Dt. Veteranen Ch. VDH |
Horseman’s Buddies Buffalo Soldier | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Vetereanen CH VDH |
Jüngstenklasse | |
Malcolm ACDRutkowsky | VV3 |
King Robin Didgeridingo | VV2 |
Akeno von der Roten Zora | VV |
Ares von der Roten Zora | VV4 |
Sawdust’s Wizard ‚N Wolverine | VV1 |
Jugendklasse | |
Be like me | V4 |
Jazzabout Heelers Abe | SG |
Dartbrook’s Draconis Dothraki | n.A. |
Pink Angels With Shotguns Dark Knight called red Jamie | V3 |
Rikoran Wikin Nord Star | SG |
Bavarian Heelers Joy To The World | V1 – Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH |
Dartbrook’s Deal-Breaker | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH |
Wild Desert Dingo’s A New Chapter | SG |
Zwischenklasse | |
Dwayne the blue Rock from Stick Valley | SG3 |
Forelands Excellent Elvis | SG2 |
Alpha Dragon Hus Fellows | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Championklasse | |
Barker Blue Cidabro | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Dolce-Blú Fifty Shades of Grey | V3 |
Buschteufels A Big Boy Like Bud | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Offene Klasse | |
Gelen Providets | SG |
Fox Mulder von der Drachenwiese | n.A. |
Sawdust’s Rythm N Blues | SG |
Bee Lowlands Eros | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Malik of little willy willys | SG |
Horseman’s Buddies Cotton Eye Joe | V |
Woylie’s Quigley | V4 |
Horseman’s Buddies I Shot The Sheriff | SG |
Woylie’s Okie | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Forelands Captain Hook | n.A. |
Flying Desert Dingo’s Ace | V3 |
Clever Keep Longclaw for Pink Angels with Shotguns | SG |
Veteranenklasse | |
Peschencattles Anjali | V4 |
Working Mates Burn Every Turn | V |
Danbar’s River of Dreams | V2, res. Anw. Dt. Vet. Ch VDH |
Highland Mill’s Chioma of Concordia | V3 |
Drywood’s Liberty of Horseman Buddies | V1 – Anw. Dt. Vet. Ch. VDH |
Welpenklasse | |
Twelve Heartbreaks Cinderella’s Ranch | VV1 |
Pink Angels With Shotguns Even Cowgirls love Castellino | VV2 |
Jüngstenklasse | |
Sawdust’s Whisper of Whirlwind | VV1 |
The Dream of Wanambi’s Enjoy the Silence | n.A. |
Forelands Faithful Fenves | VV3 |
Forelands Fearless Finja | VV2 |
Jugendklasse | |
Jazzabout Heelers Amber | G |
Blue Mountain Heeler Blue Bega | SG |
Smart Heelers Carpe Diem | V |
Dartbrook Drawn in Pixels | V3 |
Vallesanta Ranch ACD Carnil | SG |
Dartook’s Excellent Choice | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch VDH |
Djuni Blue from Stik Valley | V4 |
Rikoran Wirona Nordic Lady | V1 – Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH |
Zwischenklasse | |
Wave Rock Heelers Combart Ready Lady Sif | SG2 |
Wallaroo Get the Party Started | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Championklasse | |
Horseman’s Buddies Fat Bottomed Girl | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Offene Klasse | |
Pink Angels With Shotguns Barbie Girl Goes to Dollywood | SG4 |
Sawdust’s U Made My Day | V1 – Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Ashton Funny bouncing Lover | G |
Peschencattles Ilvy | SG |
Woylie’s Rani | SG |
Dartbrook’s Cherry on the Cake | V3 |
Carrie Blue from Stick Valley | V2 – res. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH |
Horseman’s Buddies Grandma S Harp | Disq. |